It was quite a while back when I first heard the phrase "yolo". I don't remember the particulars but it must have involved a New Jersey type of "bro" who was yelling "yolo" at his friends (you know.... when you hold out the last "o"and change the pitch every now and then). Oh, and the "bro" is totally wearing a wife-beater tank top and a gold chain.... most likely with a baseball cap with the bill pushed to the side.
Armed with this new mentality, I've been sent on a whirlwind of a week! I'm not sure if adopting "yolo" as a legit phrase in my life is what spawned this whirlwind or if simply by embracing this carefree mentality, I've been more open to crazy experiences. Maybe people just know when we are wanting to LIVE life, instead of just muddling through. I've never been more converted to the idea that life is supposed to be like a melting ice cream sundae -- You feel a rush to eat it because soon the moment will be lost. You need a wet rag because a napkin just won't clean up the messes. You know that it is always better when you share it with someone else. The more flavors there are, the better it tastes; and along with that, there is ALWAYS room for more toppings. But more than anything, you recognize that if you actually eat it, savoring every last bite, your day is a little bit brighter..... you have a spring in your step....... you have a smile on your face and you realize, eating a melting ice cream sundae is ALWAYS better than not eating one. Life is always better when you live it. YO-LOOOOO!!!!
Well, just picture me and a bunch of mzungus somewhere in the middle of this madness and you'll get the picture of how the last futbol match was! We were able to find "THE" section -- you know the section that doesn't sit down the entire game but instead is cheering and dancing and yelling and simply going crazy the entire time. I fell over at least four times with all the craziness. I'm pretty sure I almost died at least twice from falling but hey, yolo right? And it was totally worth it because Uganda beat Congo 4-0. Epic.
Oh, you are exhausted from a week of craziness and don't really have any reason to go to the school nor do you want to but they are doing immunizations and Josephine wants you to come? Okay, yolo right? So I decided to make the most of it and show the kids my muscles. They must have been impressed because they then kept whacking my arm, or trying to squeeze it really tight to get me to say "OW!" in an overly dramatic fashion. I left with a couple of bruises but it was worth it... right? ;)
It is Josephine's birthday (the one in the middle with the red flower in her hair) so you throw your very first Ugandan party with the help of Mary, her best friend and all the other mzungus. Um, yes please! It was crazy because we were way overbooked for the day but somehow we arrived on time. We played "What if" and danced the night away.
And last but not least, cut Brady's hair into a mohawk? Okay. I mean, who cares if I don't really know how to cut boy's hair.... or at least, I've never done it. Who cares if I don't know how to cut a mohawk. Who cares if this is only the haircut Brady has been wanting forever so I better not mess it up-- you only live once right. Take that leap of faith and just do it! (Oh... and it looks really good by the way....).
Because of this really intense imagery associated with "yolo", I've always been hesitant to embrace it as a legit phrase in my life. Or rather, I've never taken it seriously. But that has changed my friends. I, Corrine Christison, have said "yolo" out loud at least 5 times today and said it even more in my head.
Why this sudden change of attitude? Well, I'm in Uganda..... why shouldn't I take the opportunity to do the things I might never get to do again. Why shouldn't I try to soak up every experience I can? After all..... YOLO! (In case you are a little behind the times... which is totally okay.... "yolo" stands for YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE).
So what are all these memories I've making? What is this whirlwind? What is this delicious ice cream sundae I've been partaking in? Let me show you... and I promise, they are some good stories!
*Side note: This may not have been a crazy story but I sometimes think the point of "yolo" is not just to do crazy things like let children beat you up and get yourself beaten up at a soccer game by crazy fans but rather, to make as much happiness as you can in the moment. Don't spend life wishing you were somewhere else or with different people. Make joy wherever you find yourself. That is what I learned with Josephine's party-- you must celebrate every day.
*Side note #2: Sometimes "yolo" gives you a chance to surprise yourself. Learn a new talent. Discover a new passion. Make a new friend. The point of life is to learn and to grow-- you can only do that if you have the attitude that this opportunity might never come up again so you have to take it while you can.
Life is treating me well here folks. Oh..... before I forget! I want to share with you a "yolo" experience that someone else had. I mean, I'm in the story but I'm not the one who was "only living once" here.
So... here is the scene. I went to the Kasubi Tombs with Wayne, Austin, and Brady. (Behind us is where the old Baganda Kings were buried.... it sadly burned down a while back but the Kings's bodies were okay... thankfully. AND they just got money to restore the hut. But that is not the point of this story so I'm stopping now).
After visiting the tombs, we were walking back and we passed a market. With the YOLO attitude in place, we decided to walk through it. Towards the end, Brady saw some shoes he liked so he stopped and asked how much they were. After discovering they were the wrong size so it didn't matter how much they were, the conversation took an unexpected turn...
*please note, this conversation is not exactly word-for-word but that is simply because I cannot remember ALL of the details.
Man: [looking at me]: "Something we can't understand"
Brady: "What?"
Me: "What?"
Man: "Slightly more understandable but not really".
--> We realize that he is saying "one cow and one cock".
Man: "For her [pointing to me while looking at Brady], I will give you one cow and one cock".
Me: "What?!"
NOW, OF ALL TIMES IS WHEN BRADY DECIDES TO HAVE HIS "YOLO" MOMENT... I mean, after all, how many times do you get to barter away one of your friends to a complete stranger?!?!?!
Brady: "Oh.... hmmm.... well......I dunno. I kind of like having her around but..... "
Man: "Okay, two cows and two cocks"
Brady: "[laughing] well, maybe"
Me: "eh! I am worth more than two cows! I am worth eight cows!"
Man: [laughs at the absurd amount of eight cows]
We part ways and all I can do is look at Brady is mocking horror that he "seriously" contemplated selling me. I mean, you only live once right?! I think the moral of this story is that sometimes "yolo" can be a dangerous mentality so please, use it wisely.