17 November 2010


so i was cleaning the dorms (which i do every morning for my second job) and i ran across this quote... "Do not ask yourself what the world needs; ask yourself what makes you come alive. And then go and do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive"... isn't that good!!!

man, ive been thinking about it all week and i realized that that is what i need to do-- find what makes me come alive. and then tonight, as i was sitting in Cultural Inquiry Club, i realized that we have made people in third world countries less human. how so? we have made them into no more than a statistic, a problem to be solved.

so the solution? they need to come alive. we need to help them become alive, we need to help them find happiness... gosh!! its so much MORE than raising their living standards. its so much MORE than teaching them how to fish.... its teaching them to find JOY in fishing, or hunting, or whatever it is they love to do!! we can help people most by coming alive, because then, and only then can we help them come alive too.

after all, isn't that what the world needs? people who come alive?

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