As I was at the temple this afternoon with my friend Nicole, I was thinking about this strange phenomenon that is going on. WHY am I so happy? I mean, like I said, I don't really have anything to complain about but... it just feels like more than that. THEN, it hit me.... it him me big:
My happiness was contributed to the absence of things (like trials) from my life but rather the addition of a greater thing-- God and his Son, Jesus Christ. Now, I've been Mormon my whole life, I've served a Mormon Mission, but since this summer, I have grown a lot spiritually (probably more than I ever have in my life)-- I actually read my scriptures every morning, I begin and end each day with a prayer, I go to the temple twice a week... I have brought these two incredible men into my life more than ever before-- and that is what makes me so happy. I'm sure of it.
So immediately I thought of this song I heard on my mission and I will share it with you-- Truly, following the commandments of God, letting them into your life doesn't just make you happy during trials but it makes you so much happier even when life is going good.
So enjoy and BE HAPPY!
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