27 January 2011


so as i was sitting in my "free the slaves" meeting tonight (yes, byu has a club... and yes! you all should come if you live in provo!) and the girl sitting the next chair over asked me how i was.

"is your life mellow?" she asks me.
"no it's not", i say with an awkward chuckle. "well, actually, i guess it kind of is... if you discount all the homework i have, i guess it is pretty mellow".

mellow: –adjective
1. soft, sweet, and full-flavored from ripeness, as fruit.
2. well-matured, as wines.
3. soft and rich, as sound, tones, color, or light.
5. friable or loamy, as soil.
6. mildly and pleasantly intoxicated or high.

ya know what is interesting? none of those definitions fit the connotation of "sufer dude, going with the flow, lacking of excitment" that mellow has come to mean.

so.... is my life sweet? full-flavored? yes! i'm finally coming to the point in my life when my dreams are starting to come true! my life is ripe! ready to burst!

is my life well-matured? well... that's to be debated but us christison's aren't exactly known for our maturity :)

is my life soft and rich? rich, i would say definitely. not in the money sort of way, but in the fulfilling "i've got so much going on" sort of way. my life is full of friends, good books, good causes, and slim fast! that is about as rich as you can get i think!

is my life friable or loamy? well... i dont know....i dont think i quite know what those words mean (oh! don't you love it when you need to look up the words in the definition of a word you are looking to define? hehehe oh life!)

and last but not least, is my life mildly intoxicated? well..... some people will say i get a little loopy when im running off a lack of sleep. and in high school, i used to always say: "heck yes i'm high, high on LIFE!" clever i know!

so for the first time, in what is probably forever, i would say my life is mellow. and im quite content with that.

06 January 2011


okay so i wont be posting a video of it....... i havent quite become that techno savvy yet....


.... a new year

HAPPY 2011!!!!

its only natural at the beginning of a new year to ponder on new years resolutions (or declarations as aaron pratt calls them).... well, i'm about to show you a video..... this is a video of me trying to break a board. hilarious? of course! but it taught me something very powerful.

me breaking the board was supposed to be symbolic of me facing my fears and breaking through them to reach my goals. well, i was afraid of breaking that board. i failed the first time and it HURT LIKE HECK! but i got it the second time with the help of MACY HALLADAY (who is incredible).

this exercise was so awesome i decided to do it with my new students in my TA class. this is what i noticed:
  1. every student who looked directly at the board when trying to hit DID NOT BREAK the board. if we spend all our time looking at our fears, we wont be able to reach our goals because we dont know what they are-- we have lost sight of them.
  2. its a feeling of satisfaction when you actually break the board, just like when you overcome one of your fears..... its a great feeling no? makes you want to break another one!
  3. it hurts! even when you are successful at breaking the board, your hand might feel a little sting. in life, we cant get away free from scratches and bruises... even when we do things right, even when we accomplish something good.
  4. sometimes all we need is a little encouragement. we need to know that someone else is on our side-- its a lot easier to face that HUGE list of fears when you feel like there are people behind you.... pushing you along.

well, enough of that analogy. i'm ready for the new year.....

i've broken a board so how hard can a couple of fears be? right?