30 November 2012



Finally. It feels like an elephant has been on my shoulders the past few months and he's finally gone.  He was getting a little heavy to carry around. Enough about the elephant.... aren't you dying to know what I'm going to be doing? I'll tell you.

I will be a "para-educator" (fancy term for "teacher's aide") at Sharon Elementary School in Orem, UT.  I'll be mostly working with the special ed kids.  It is really cool.  The school believes that those with learning problems-- either due to autism or other issues-- should still be in the regular classroom as much as possible.  Something about being surrounded by what they should be learning helps..... I don't know Education Psychology.  Anyways, so I'll basically be shuffled around different classes throughout the day helping the kids that need help.  I'll be working with 1st through 6th grade. Isn't that cool?

There's only one small problem: I have NO idea what I'm doing... or even what I'm getting myself into.  Elementary kids? Teaching them? WHAT?!?! I'm all for playing "monster" and chasing them around the room but I'm pretty sure the teacher wouldn't be too happy about that....... I mean, hello! I was the babysitter who let the kids watch TV (even when the parentals specifically told me not to let them) and stay up till right before the parentals came home. I'm the one who plays with the kids cause I still think I am one.

Well, it'll be an adventure for sure.  It's interesting because this is not what I thought I would be doing but for some reason I'm really really really excited about it.  Perhaps the excitement is because it is something new, something else for me to learn; perhaps it is due to the simple fact that it is a job and I so badly needed one.... but regardless of the reason, I decided to not OVERANALYZE it, not REJECT it simply because it doesn't fit into my "what would look best on your resume for working in Africa" mindset, and just let it be.

Wish me luck.... or maybe, wish the kids luck? They probably need it more than I do.

ps.  The best way to celebrate is really to have a one-song dance party with the Gma... which is of course what I did.

21 November 2012

Attitude of Gratitude

This is probably the LEAST amount of words I've ever written in a blog post.  Somehow it doesn't seem enough-- enough to adequately express the gratitude I feel for every single person in my life.  They say a picture is worth a thousand words though so one picture will have to do-- one picture to tell a story of the countless others who have inspired me, strengthened me, entertained me, pushed me, taught me, and most importantly loved me. For those who have been a part of my life this year, I thank you

You remind me that we are more alike than we are different. 

   You make me feel alive.

You encourage me to hope for a better world.  

 You give me someone to look up to.
  You believe in the power of my dreams.
You are still here.

You show me that angels truly do come in human form.         

   You inspire me to be the best I can be. 

You teach me what it means to be a mother.  

                                                       You give me the gift of your friendship.

 You walk with me in the rain.