17 September 2010

...little things

i read this quote in one of my readings for anthropology..... and i L-O-V-E-D it!!! hope you enjoy it.... a little piece of deep thought for the weekend :)

"how dangerous it is to neglect little things. it is a very consoling reflection for a soul like mine, little disposed to great actions, to think that fidelity to little things may, by an imperceptible progress, raise us to the most eminent sanctity: because little things lead to greater.... little things; it will be said, alas, my God, what can we do that is great for you, weak and mortal creatures that we are. little things; if great things presented themselves would we perform them? would we not think them beyond our strength? little things; and if God accepts them and wishes to receive them as great things? little things; has one ever felt this? does one judge according to experience? little things; one is certainly guilty, therefore, if seeing them as such, one refuses them? little things; yet it is they that in the end have made great saints! yes, little things; but great motives, great feelings, great fervor, great ardor, and consequently great merits, great treasures, great rewards."
Jean Baptiste de La Salle
from Traite sur les obligations des freres des Ecoles chretiennes

16 September 2010


so i'm a TA for a student leadership development class. it's been way fun (i'm so glad macy gave me the opportunity to do this!) but anyhoo, the whole point of the class is letting students at BYU see that they can be leaders- in soooo many different ways. i'm really enjoying learning more about leaders in history and what it means to be a leader but i think the thing i love the most is learning from the kids i TA for.

they had to do a report on some famous leader in history. here's what i learned:

1. abraham lincoln was motivated, could keep his emotions in check and was very humble. one thing i didnt really know was how unpopular lincoln was when he was alive. see.... being popular isnt everything-- and doesnt always make a good leader.

2. joseph smith's leadership has stretched to the four corners of the earth and has inspired so many people to change their lives to become more like christ. he had a knack for being a trustworthy person-- and the people he knew truly did trust him.

3. gandhi never got discouraged or give up. he fought to his death for what he believed in. and his influence, his example has been used throughout the world to help others change their situations too!

LEADERS IN HISTORY are AWESOME!!! and we can learn so much from them, but we don't have to be a president, a prophet or a revolutionary to be a leader. john quincy adams said: "if your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader"


14 September 2010


well well well.... i finally made it on the blog scene. im not quite sure what do with myself-- ive never had this much literary freedom before but i will say, i'm excited.

what am i excited about exactly? im not sure. i think im excited to share my thoughts with the world. i think im excited to be accountable for those thoughts. but most of all, i think im just excited about life!

i titled my blog "a little piece of..." because i feel like that is what life is about-- little pieces of me spreading all throughout the world AND little pieces of the world spreading throughout me. that may be deep... or it may be totally ridiculous (im not sure which because i've now been on campus for 12 hours and im not sure what im still doing here! oh wait. im writing this blog!)

anyhoo, i hope i can keep this up. and share just a little piece of..... me.