04 February 2011

.... screaming!

so lots of screaming has been going on lately.. here's why:

1. my sister FINALLY got her mission call!!! AAAHHH!!!!! literally spent the first two minutes of our phone conversation SCREAMING because i was so excited for her! for those of you who don't know what i'm talking about.... my sister is going on a mormon mission (so she'll be gone for 18 months, both serving the people in the community she'll be in and sharing the gospel of jesus christ with those around her!) she'll be in ......... *cue the drumroll please*


needless to say i'm pretty excited for her. i just know how awesome of an experience it'll be and how awesome she'll be at it. my sister can love so many different types of people-- she's very good at accepting those around her who may believe differently than her. YET at the same time, she's very determined and solid in what she believes herself. she knows who she is and isn't afraid to show that to others..... one has to be real out there on a mission, they know if you're being fake. dont ask me how they know, they just always do!

2. i'm going to GHANA!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!! i now have officially told anyone and no one who reads this blog :) every new step that happens towards me actually getting there like getting a passport, talking with the travel agent, working on my project, etc....... it becomes that much more real, and that much more exciting!!!!! if you want to know what i'm doing there, check out my ghana blog (we had to set it up for the prep class):


it'll give you all the information you need on my project and what i'll be studying while im there. why is there so much screaming revolving me spending three months in a tiny rural community in africa????? ONLY BECAUSE I'VE WANTED TO GO THERE FOR OVER 7 YEARS!!!!! i'm finally getting a dream come true.

do you know what it's like to have a dream come true? well, its an incredible experience. i hope everyone in life gets to experience that at least once in their life.... the magic that comes. its pure, unadulterated magic.

1 comment:

CourtneyMarie said...

YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYY!!! Hahahah I thought I would do a little screaming on your blog in order of the title :)

SOOOO excited to hear about your adventures in Ghana... you're so much coooler than me!