06 August 2012

Goodbye, Hello

Dear Africa,

You have brought me closer to my God once again, this time in the fertile soils of Uganda.  I don't know if it is the people, if it is being in a foreign country, or if it the very nature of being without the comforts I am used to that brings me closer to him.  I sometimes think it all of the above.  This summer I have learned humility-- or at least the seeds planted last summer have been fertilized in rich Uganda soil.  

I have been blessed by the example of diligent, humble, steadfast members here in the Ntinda Branch.  Mary, Josephine, Sam Christine, the first counselor whose name I can never remember, Sister Oakley, Lililan, Susan, Grace, Anita, Annet, the list could go on and on-- A part of you will forever be with me.  When I teach my children of Christ-like people who have made their mother who she is, your names will be mentioned, your stories told.  

Uganda, I came to you broken and I knew in my heart that only you could make me whole.  I am still broken but instead of a soul broken with regret and bitterness, I have a broken heart and a contrite spirit.  For that, Uganda, I am forever in your debt.  I know God knew I needed Uganda so I guess I'm indebted to Him for inspiring me to come.  Oh Uganda, I miss you and I have not even left yet.  

BUT, instead of letting that sadness turn into despair, I will channel it for good.  I will strive to keep that spirit of Africa-- the spirit that mends my heart, humbles my pride, and turns my actions outwards to others. No one can do that but me.  This time, your lessons will not be forgotten or cast aside because I am no longer in the place that taught them to me.  This time, I will take the lessons home. I will share with others the Spirit of Africa, for that truly is Africa's gift to the world. 

an American girl

.........the lands that I love...... 

Dear America,

Africa has done it again.  Everyone tells me, "Corrine, America is awesome.  Be excited to come home".  My response is always "But Africa steals my heart, Africa makes me forget America!"  

My home country, I am pleased to tell you that this summer is different.  Yes, it was Uganda this time that stole my heart.  Yes, I have forgotten what American ice cream, cheese and fries taste like.  Yes, I wish I could stay here forever but I made a realization.  Loving you does not mean that I love Africa any less.  Being excited about going home does not make this summer any less amazing than it truly was.  

So, America, here is what I'm excited about.  I'm excited to take a stroll through Central Park with my sister, to sit on the bed while my mother scratches my back.  I'm excited to wind through the mountains of Appalachia to see my bearded brother or to teach my father all that African food has to offer. I'm excited to catch up with old friends on the phone because Facebook messages just don't quite cut it for me.  I'm excited to eat lunch with one of my mentors, Ms. Partridge, and listen to her wise counsel.  I'm excited to see my mzungu friends in their American clothes, living their American lives.  

But I think the thing I am most excited about is being back in a place where I know that I matter.  You see, elections are coming up which I'm sure you know.  I'm sure you also know that Uganda has had the same president for over 20 years because he does not believe in giving up his seat.  The Ugandan people do not feel like they have a voice in their government.  Government is supposed to be of the people, by the people, and most importantly, for the people.  It was you who taught me that. Thank you America for protecting my voice.  

I know you are not perfect America but I still love you, and I am happy to be stepping onto your soil soon.  

an African in spirit


Ross and Rachel said...

You, my dear Corrine, are an incredible woman. I love reading your blog posts, and learning from you. Your love of life is inspirational to everyone who crosses your path. I can't wait to see you again, and to hopefully live close enough to you to get to soak in your awesomeness regularly. I can't wait to hear all of your beautiful stories in person.

I love you.

CourtneyMarie said...

You are seriously the COOLEST, AWESOMEST (i know that's not technically a word), most BEAUTIFUL person I know. I cannot wait to stroll through Central Park with YOU :) You're amazing!

Nicole said...

I just love you. That's all. You are simply amazing.